
Creative, Lifestyle Photography

By Chuck, Beverly and Chris Williams

Atlanta Photographer

We are a family of photographers, located in Cobb County, Georgia. Our team consists of Chuck Williams, Beverly, Chris and Katherine and each of us is passionate about capturing those special moments in your life through photography. We all play a key role in capturing memories.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Meet 10-year-old Heart Patient, Yancey Duncan

Meet Yancey Duncan.....

Ten-year-old Yancey came to us through an organization called TheLittlest Heroes Project. The Littles Heroes Project is a non-profit organization made up of professional photographers nationwide that provide complimentary photo sessions to children who are terminally ill or who suffer life altering disabilities.

These children are our nations "Littlest Heroes". Through the power of photography, we are giving back and taking a stand for these children who sometimes feel forgotten because of their illnesses. We are here to let them know that they are heroes to many, and to share their inspirational stories and photos with the world.

The day that Yancey Duncan, Jr was born, his parents, Susan and Yancey were delighted. Their second child seemed to be a normal, healthy baby boy. Their family was complete....They already had an adorable blonde haired, little girl whom they had named Kayla, and the addition of a little boy delighted their hearts. At one week of age Susan and Yancey took little Yancey to their pediatrician's office for his one week check-up. During the check-up, their doctor detected a heart murmur and referred them to a pediatric cardiologist.

One week later, Yancey was seen by a pediatric cardiologist who delivered the worst news this family could ever imagine.....Although their baby seemed quite healthy, the cardiologist examined him and said that their precious baby was actually in full blown heart failure and needed hospitalization immediately. As you can imagine, this news was not only shocking, but was completely devastating. Sick with worry, they were transported directly to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta at Egleston Hospital.

Susan and Yancey spent 10 days at Egleston Hospital in Atlanta with little Yancey. Many tests were run to determine the extent of his heart condition. They stood by and watched in disbelief at all that was happening. It seemed so impossible that their sweet little boy, who appeared so healthy and happy, could actually be so ill. Doctors at Egleston hospital diagnosed Yancey with Pulmonary Atresia (born without a main pulmonary artery), VSD (hole in the heart) and congestive heart failure. They inserted a nasogastric tube and sent him home for a year in order to help him gain weight in order to undergo open heart surgery.

At 1 year of age, doctors determined that Yancey's oxygen levels were not adequate and they inserted a BT shunt to improve his oxygenation. Again, they were sent home to "wait".
At 1-1/2 years, Yancey had his first open heart surgery to repair his pulmonary atresia and close his VSD. This surgery was successful, but as the years passed and as Yancey grew taller, they determined that the heart tissues were not growing as they should, and so another surgery was scheduled.

Yancey's next surgery was at 9 years of age. Doctors performed yet another open heart surgery to replace Yancey's pulmonary valve with a porcine (pig) valve.

Yancey is now 10 years old and is loving life! He is a junior green belt in Taekwondo and loves his Xbox!!! Yancey is always smiling. He is fighting a good fight and he will always his parent's hero.

Yancey continues to monitored regularly by cardiologists at Children's Heathcare of Atlanta. Susan and Yancey are grateful to God for every minute they have had with Yancey. They are thankful for the doctors and nurses at Egleston who have taken care of Yancey and are blessed to have friends, family and others who have been there to support them through this journey.

Visit Yancey's Caring Bridge website HERE

Chuck and Beverly Williams
Chuck Williams Photography
404 925-2921

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